Acoustical Experience: Broadcast and Film Studios

    About This Project

    Broadcast and film studios have demanding requirements for ambient noise levels, reverberation times, interior and exterior noise isolation, and more. Yet when a studio meets these requirements, you can describe its acoustical environment with one word: quiet.



    At BKL, our skilled and experienced acousticians can ensure your studio is quiet, by providing acoustical design advice and recommendations specific to your space and surroundings.  We have significant experience consulting on the integrated acoustical design of radio, television, film, and recording studios, including the following notable projects:



    Television Studios


    broadcast and film studio acoustics


    CBC Regional Broadcasting Centre

    Vancouver, BC

    For this expansion project, we consulted on sound isolation, ventilation noise control, and room acoustics for radio and TV broadcasting studios and editing suites. We also made recommendations to control traffic noise ingress at the building envelope. Read the full case study here.



    Vancouver, BC
    We consulted on this studio, which was built in an existing building on a downtown intersection. We provided design advice for the special double-glass exterior wall that permits passers-by to view activity within the studio.


    Knowledge Network

    Burnaby, BC
    We designed the acoustics for this TV and audio production facility, including TV studios, audio suites, audio and video post-production, and master control.


    Global News

    Burnaby, BC
    We consulted on the acoustical design of this news studio, including control and production areas, Studio 1, a 16-track audio studio, and VTR room. We also made recommendations to isolate noise from the rooftop helipad.



    Victoria, BC
    We provided comprehensive acoustical design including noise isolation, mechanical noise control, and room acoustics for this free-standing production complex embracing audio and TV studios, as well as news studios.



    Radio Studios


    CHQR Radio Station

    Calgary, AB
    We designed the acoustics for this commercial radio station in a downtown office tower. We achieved high noise isolation between studios and to office space on floors above and below.


    CKRC/CHZZ Radio Station

    Winnipeg, MB
    We provided an acoustical design package for this radio station in a high-rise office building, including noise isolation of studios from traffic and adjacent tenants. Highlights include an innovative lightweight floating floor and curtain wall system design.


    CFRO Co-op Radio

    Vancouver, BC
    When this co-op radio station moved into a renovated heritage hotel in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, we consulted on the acoustics, noise isolation, and the design of a quiet ventilation system for music and voice studios, and the control room.



    Film Production Studios


    Bridge Studios-Stage 10-interior


    Bridge Studios

    Burnaby, BC

    Converted from a disused industrial facility on the historic Dominion Bridge property, Bridge Studios features 12 sound stages, and has hosted thousands of film and television productions during its three decades of operation. We consulted on the acoustical design of the original effects stage and sound stages, and over the years, have continued to provide acoustical advice for new studio builds, sound stage renovations, and noise complaint investigations, room acoustics, sound isolation, mechanical system noise control, and more. Notably, we consulted on Bridge’s forthcoming sound stage, Stage 8, as well as the recently finished Stage 10/11/12 building. Read the full case study here.


    North Shore Film Studios

    North Vancouver, BC
    For the 10,000-square-foot Sound Stage 6, we consulted on room acoustics, facade noise isolation, and the design and testing of a quiet ventilation system.


    Vancouver Film Studios

    Vancouver, BC
    We consulted on room acoustics, noise separation, and quiet ventilation system design for three side-by-side sound stages of tilt-up concrete slab. We made recommendations for facade design to attenuate SkyTrain, freight train, and freeway noise from the adjacent transportation corridor.


    Eagle Creek Film Studios

    Burnaby, BC
    We designed room acoustics and noise isolation for two adjacent sound stages at this commercial production facility. We also consulted on ventilation noise control, and the design of the building envelope to attenuate railway noise.



    Recording Studios


    Sharpe Sound Studios

    North Vancouver, BC
    We provided acoustical design and diagnostics for a replacement ventilation system serving sound and scoring stages and a Foley stage for this audio post-production facility, meeting a very stringent NC 5 noise criterion.


    Institute of Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems, UBC

    Vancouver, BC
    For a sound recording suite (control, studio/presentation space, and isolation booth) for production of music recordings and sound fields for perception and virtual reality research projects, we consulted on acoustical design including noise isolation, room acoustics, and HVAC noise control.

    Building Services Noise & Vibration, Commissioning, Noise Mitigation Design, Sound Isolation, Vibration Isolation