The environmental noise impact from new and existing mining operations has become an increasingly important societal issue. Noise from the 24/365 operation of these mines can on occasion be heard at distances of several kilometres, and can have an adverse impact on nearby residences, campgrounds, traditional uses and wildlife. BKL has experience in dealing with these issues, mainly through Environmental Assessments (EA’s) but also with assessing existing noise impacts and noise mitigation options.
Jansen Potash Mine
Prepared the noise component of an EA on a new potash mine subject to provincial review. Cadna/A noise modelling of construction and operations (mainly stacks) noise sources was performed, including road traffic noise created by heavy trucks bringing supplies and commuter vehicles. The potential effect of various noise mitigation options was also modelled.
Pueblo Viejo Mine Noise & Vibration Training
Dominican Republic
Multiple field visits were performed to train local environmental team workers to carry out the project’s construction noise and vibration monitoring program in surrounding villages using classroom and field instruction. BKL also performed QA on subsequent monitoring reports.
Agua Rica Mine
Prepared the noise component of an EA on a new Northern Orion open pit copper/gold/ molybdenum mine in northwest Argentina. Included extensive noise modelling in Cadna/A of mine site operations, blasting, process plant site, waste rock and tailings facility, filter plant, port facility, airstrip, 2 options for the mine site access route and 2 options for the process plant access route.
Galore Creek Mine
Modelled hundreds of noise sources using Cadna/A including haul trucks, heavy mine site equipment, processing plant, helicopters, airplanes, mine site blasting, howitzers (avalanche control) and construction equipment for proposed NovaGold copper and precious metals open pit mine. Meteorological settings were defined based on site measurements. Daytime, nighttime and maximum noise contours were produced. Results were exported to be used in client’s GIS system for wildlife noise impact evaluation for BCEAA.
Cheviot Mine
Cadomin, Alberta
Preparation of the noise component of an EA on a new CRC open pit coal mine including mining noise and road and rail transportation noise. Participation in hearings on the mine. Later assessed impact of a 20 km private haul road and participated in hearings on the permit approval.
Diavik Diamond Mine
Northwest Territories
Prediction and assessment of noise from a new Rio Tinto open pit diamond mine. Scope of work included open pit mining including blasting, processing operations, noise from trucks on haul road, computation of Noise Exposure Forecast (NEF) contours for airstrip and assessment of potential noise impacts on workers and other stakeholders in the region. BKL also supported the wildlife consultant by predicting levels of exposure of wildlife to project noise.
Stave Lake Quarry
Mission, BC
We were retained by the BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Natural Gas to assess the validity of resident complaints about ongoing quarry noise using current best practice. Community noise measurements were performed and a Cadna/A noise model was developed to predict quarry noise throughout the community. Quarry noise was rated using Alberta ERCB, ANSI and World Health Organization guidelines and noise mitigation options were provided.