09 Feb Celebrating BKL’s 50th Anniversary
Anniversaries are a big deal. At BKL, we wanted to celebrate our 50th during 2016 by highlighting past achievements and looking forward to the future. Our plans? Freshen up the stationery. Launch a new website. Tell the story of BKL.
The website was first up. Old bkl.ca wasn’t mobile compatible. It was due for a makeover. We compared templates, typefaces and hexadecimal colour codes. We migrated pages. We wrote content and sourced images. The redesigned bkl.ca launched in the fall of 2015, well in advance of our semicentennial. We were off to a good start.
Next was the logo. Our old one had been in place since 1997, and finding the replacement took three design firms and most of 2016. After scrutinizing a slew of potential designs sporting a gamut of colours and fonts, we chose a classic look that feels fresh and close to home.
Our company timeline started several years ago, when we met with Ken Barron, a company founder, and former partners Doug Whicker and Mike Noble to discuss the past. We scanned a few old photos and filled an Excel spreadsheet with anecdotes. It was a start, but gaps remained. Many dates were approximate, many non-existent.
With the spreadsheet as an outline, we fleshed out the fragments and bullet points, informing our work and confirming the dates through additional interviews with past partners. We also sorted through dusty folders, old files, Doug Kennedy’s memories and enough old instruments to fill a museum exhibit.
Like the logo redesign, finalizing the company history took us until December 2016. The effort was worth it. The resulting timeline spans 50 years of company history and celebrates the people, projects, events and instruments that have seen BKL become the leading acoustical consultancy in Western Canada.
We hope you enjoy the timeline as much as we enjoyed bringing it all together.
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